by Slingshot Bloggers

Here I am, crawling out of the blog woodwork just in time to say goodbye to 2009. No, I will not write a blog post about my thoughts on the year or the top 10 best and worst of ’09…I’ll leave that to my personal blog and those other bloggers out there!

Christmas came a couple days late here at Slingshot SEO, but we were super excited to see what Santa Lacy (or the Holiday Armadillo Lacy) dropped off for us. Oh yes, we snagged a signed copy of Brandswag’s Kyle Lacy’s first book, Twitter Marketing for Dummies by donating to! In the inside of the front cover, Kyle wrote the following: “Everyone at Slingshot, to the best SEO firm I know! Happy hunting!” Boom. THE author of the book wrote that! I guess you could say the pressure is on for us Slingshotters to be the SEO superstars of the world (at least so we don’t make a liar out of Lacy). You better believe we’re up for the challenge.

There are many Twitter notables out there and I would safely say Mr. Kyle Lacy (@kyleplacy) is definitely one of them. Maybe I have a soft spot for my fellow small, private, Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference alums? While it’s true I love to see small college alums become top dogs, Lacy has proven through his years of experience, knowledge, and continual success that he isn’t a dummy to this stuff.

Being a relatively new face to the internet marketing world, I have utilized Twitter not only to follow, tweet, and retweet marketing professionals, but to also make a name for myself (and I will leave it up to my followers and fellow tweeters to determine that). Twitter allows you to personally put yourself out there in the professional world by showcasing your knowledge and wits through sharing your personality.

You know what? It has certainly paid off for me… if it wasn’t for Jeremy Dearringer’s summer tweet regarding upcoming positions at Slingshot, I wouldn’t be sitting here today. Yes, that’s right, kiddos, I was discovered on Twitter.

Although finding my first job via Twitter was quite the interesting story to tell (more like EXPLAIN) to my parents, it goes to show the power social media holds. Twitter creates an avenue for communication. Not just any avenue, but a unique one that allows you to hold conversations and discussions with ALL kinds of individuals (different backgrounds, industries, top professionals, etc.) that you may otherwise have never had.

The conversation factor also coincides with search, SEO, and links. What does Twitter have to do with search and SEO, you may ask? To put it plainly…everything! Rand Fishkin of SEOmoz recently demonstrated the evolution of the search phenomenon in his blog post, “8 Predicitions for SEO in 2010.” In this post he points out that even though Google’s “real-time search is outta here” (#1) in ’10, Twitter’s “Link Graph” is the “real deal” (#2). Rand displays the history of recommended sources below:


As you can tell from the timeline, links from Twitter and Facebook updates dominated links in search in 2009 and this is just the beginning.

All and all, if you’re job searching or just searching in general, Twitter has proven its effectiveness in search. I’m ready to jump into our very own personalized Twitter Marketing for Dummies and discover something new…as should you! I hope each of you enjoy the last days of 2009 & are looking forward to what’s in store for 2010. Until next time…
