by Steven Shattuck On the first Friday in May, I had the pleasure of joining Jeff Jordan, the Social Media Product Manager at Adobe, and Beth Perell, VP of Communications & Information Management at Goodwill Industries International for a panel discussion – Feeling Socially Awkward: A Strategy for Measuring this Hip New World – at […]
by Slingshot Bloggers Buffer Founded in 2007, Blekko is the newest search engine among powerhouses Google and Bing. According to TechCrunch, the company’s query relevancy is comparable to Google—making search engine users wonder, “What makes Blekko different than Google?” The answer: the ability to specialize your search with the use of slashtags, a distinct feature […]
by Evan Fishkin It is with great joy that I make my first post to this esteemed blog. I’ve been reading the works of the Slingshot SEO team for decades (blatant lie) and it is my great pleasure to join them in their Quest for the Holy Grail (Disclaimer: The Holy Grail referred to here […]
by Rasheite Radcliff Content is King: It seems that phrase, attributed to a Bill Gates article circa 1996, will never expire. It is the most important aspect of the internet these days, and unless you are satisfying your customers with great content you probably aren’t returning good search results. But it goes far beyond writing […]
October 5th, 2012 by Steven Shattuck Almost everything you consume on the web today—blogs, tweets, videos, white papers and eBooks—is part of a content marketing strategy, whether the creators are aware of it or not. Despite the fact that it’s been around for hundreds of years, it seems like marketers have only recently started to […]
by Jeremy Dearringer I recently sat on a search summit panel for a Fortune 500 company. Their natural search questions covered ROI, social media and the management process. These were my answers to those panel questions. What does enterprise SEO look like as a management process in the next few years? As digital relevance marketers, […]
by Jeremy Dearringer I just watched an interview with Matt Cutts at Pubcon in Las Vegas. In this interview he discusses speed and website load times as possible ranking factors for Google’s Caffeine search. We have known for some time that load times affect your quality score for Google Adwords PPC advertising not to mention […]
by David Tittle What does innovation mean? This was a question posed to us by Aaron Aders, our co-founder and Chief Operation Officer. While many of us innovate without much thought, we aren’t typically tasked with defining what innovation means to us. What does it mean to us as individuals? What does it mean to […]