
4 Ways To Get More Out Of Your Traffic

by Guest Blogger Your website’s traffic can be your company’s most valuable asset. Unfortunately, many companies are leaving value on the table and aren’t tapping into the full potential value that their traffic can deliver. Implementing a few engagement channels for your audience can help boost the value that you’re receiving from your traffic. By […]

Engaging Readers with Compelling Web Content

by Derek Smith If you missed our webinar yesterday with Compendium about creating relevant content, do not fear! The Guide to Content Creation is here. The inverted pyramid. Who, what, where, when, why and how. These are some of the things my editors harped on back when I was a cub reporter learning the ropes […]

Making Rainbows Part Three: Leveraging Social Media Influencers

by Muhammad Yasin Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed the first step in using social media for SEO: creating quality content and building your own social communities. However, all of that researching, writing and publishing content will be for naught if it doesn’t reach your target demographic. One surefire way to ensure that your target audience sees […]

Is Your Content Just ‘Good Enough’? How About Making it Really Stand Out?

by Shari Finnell Around here at Slingshot SEO, we’re never just satisfied with “good enough.” That attitude would sort of be the modern-day equivalent of the famous Babe phrase, “That’ll do pig. That’ll do.” Yes, it’s heartwarming when the farmer delivers that unforgettable phrase to our favorite heroine of the swine variety … just after […]

3 Easy Steps to Repurposing a Web Video into a Post

September 19th, 2012 by Steven Shattuck Chances are you have the same problem that everyone else has: you understand the value of blogging, but you just can’t seem to produce the volume of content you know you need in order to be successful. Maybe you have willing writers, but a lack of topic ideas. The […]

SEO for CMOs

by Jen Wilfong For two months now, I’ve worked for Slingshot SEO, a company that passionately focuses on improving search engine rankings for companies that want to increase traffic and potential leads to their website. What am I noticing so far? If companies and chief marketing officers knew what I’ve learned in those two short […]