by Tiffany Callaway

Slingshot SEO, the innovative firm delivering digital relevance to deserving brands, has honored outstanding clients and employees with its first annual Slingshot SEO Client & Employee Awards.

“In five short years, Slingshot SEO has experienced astronomical growth, landing the No. 58 spot on this year’s Inc list of the 500 Fastest Growing Companies,” said Jay Love, CEO of Slingshot SEO. “Along with hard work, flexibility and focus, our growth can be directly credited to our outstanding clients, partners and employees. Without their contributions, our success would not have been possible – and we wanted to recognize and thank them for that.”

Honored at Monday’s luncheon were:

Slingshot SEO Client & Partner Awards
1. New Customer of the Year – Angie’s List
2. Customer of the Year – HCC Medical
3. Partner of the Year – ExactTarget

Slingshot SEO Employee Awards
4. Innovator of the Year – Paul Davison, VP of Client Success
5. Rookie of the Year – Chris Cruz, SEO Consultant
6. Most Improved – Tracy Morgan, HR Generalist
7. Employee of the Year – Jesse Laffen, Director of SEO Performance

“In addition to recognizing these deserving brands and individuals, yesterday’s luncheon kicked off what will be a remarkable year in Slingshot SEO history,” Love said.