by Evan Fishkin

Multi Channel attribution is the Holy Grail of analytics. Fortunately it’s more like the Indiana Jones version than the Da Vinci Code version. The new Multi Channel attribution features give Google Analytics users a more complete understanding of the conversion process. Before, Google Analytics attributed all conversions to the last referring source.

The new multi channel features show complete data for the past two months, and will soon have data dating back to January 2011. These features are only accessible via Google Analytics Version 5, which was rolled out in April. For those who can’t find the button, it’s up there in the right hand corner of the screen when you’re logged in to your account. The link that says, “new version.”

“Knowing more about how our customers find us is very important, and this data helps us make better decisions. We found out that nearly two out of every three conversions involves more than one touch point,” said Patrick Berresheim, Director E-Commerce/CRM for HUGO BOSS, one of the Beta participants.

To view your new conversion attribution information, check under the My Conversions tab and click on “multi channel funnels.” Below are some screenshots taken from one of our client profiles. It might not be a surprise to many, but we’re proud to see that 49.34% of conversions had organic search involvement.

This is a breakdown of the specific paths users take to a conversion.

The R&D department is looking forward to analyzing as much of this data as we can and provide greater insights, in conjunction with our CTR study. For more information, here’s a great video on Google Analytics: