September 28th, 2012

by Emily Burgett

The Inbound Wrap-Up is our weekly list of articles in the inbound marketing and SEO world that you should be reading.

Week Ending September 28th, 2012:

1 » How to Prepare for AuthorRank and Get the Jump on Google »
Ever wish you could be ahead of the game with Google’s ever-changing algorithms? Well this article presents some great insights into what could become the most important change in search this year. If you only read one article this week, this is the one that all SEO’s, content marketers and bloggers need to know as AuthorRank will become the new SEO.

2 » Google Confirms Hidden Benefit of Authorship: Bonus Links After A Back-Button Click »
Everyone in the inbound marketing industry has heard the same statement over and over like a broken record: “If you want to rank in Google, you need to produce quality content.” But the reason it has become a broken record is because the concept is so true and Google is showing each day just how much more important it is to create content that users actually enjoy. This article from Search Engine Land highlights proof of just that with the hidden benefits of AuthorRank.

3 » 5 More Creative Content Marketing Ideas for the TOFU »
Content has become a huge part of online marketing success. If you don’t produce great content, then web users will not want to interact with your website. But coming up with great, original content all the time can seem daunting. This article offers five creative ways (that you likely haven’t thought about yet) to come up with new, fresh content.

4 » Seventeen Ways To Improve Your Blog – Case Study »
This case study has the perfect formula for content success. It’s extremely informative. It’s easy to follow along with and includes an extremely endearing story of a father who blogs about his journey raising his son with Down syndrome. Not only are the steps helpful, the way the case study itself is told is a great example of quality content that creates an emotional connection with the user. Have pen and pencil ready to take notes and possibly a tissue or two.

5 » How to Help Your Customers Help You by Sharing Their Stories »
Guess what?! Another article to help you creatively think of more content for your site! I bet by now you think you’ve heard them all before but have you ever gone from one piece of content and re-purposed that content into THIRTY-EIGHT pieces of individual content? This post from the Content Marketing Institute walks you through an example of how one customer interview resulted in just that. And who could be better at telling your story in a way that connects with potential customers needs than your very own customers who actually experience it for themselves?

6 » Best Practices for Achieving Critical Mass on Your Google+ Brand Page »
We’ve all heard that Google+ is a ghost town but with developments like AuthorRank, that concept is about to change. So how do you build authority for your brand page before it gets left behind? This blog post will walk you through the steps of achieving critical mass for your Google+ brand page and will show you that maybe Google+ isn’t so much a ghost town after all…

7 » The New MySpace (video) »
So this isn’t an article but it is a video that is receiving a lot of buzz in the social world. The new MySpace, in the words of Rand Fishkin, looks “…pretty damn slick”. In this video you will see several new features that offer up some great potential for the social media site that many thought died in 2008. Could this really be a new turnaround for MySpace? Or is there just not enough room for yet another social media platform? I’m interested to see how this all plays out.

8 » Twitter Opens Up to More Crawling, But Do Search Engines Want Its Search Results in Theirs? »
I can remember a couple years back with I would do a search on Google during a special event and the Twitter feed for that event would scroll at the top of my results. That feature didn’t last long before Twitter and Google fell into a disagreement. Twitter has now updated its robot.txt file to allow search engines to crawl specific tweets and hashtags, but do search engines even want to crawl Twitter?

9 » The 5 Personae of the Enterprise Internet Marketer »
Internet marketing has evolved quite a bit in just the last year, which is leaving some brands behind that are stuck in the old traditional ways of marketing. How can you identify if your brand is seizing every opportunity possible when it comes to internet marketing? This blog post by inbound marketing master Chad Politt can help you identify which segment of the internet marketer your brand falls under and how you can take advantage of available opportunities to do internet marketing better.

10 » The Paradox of Easy vs. Hard to Measure Marketing Channels »
There are many marketing channels that can be utilized by marketers to achieve their ultimate goal of high quality leads for the lowest cost possible. In this post by Rand Fishkin, he breaks down the different marketing channels into easy to understand segments and explains the level of difficulty with measuring the ROI of those investments. Rand even shares insights on how SEOmoz achieved most of its success by focusing most of their efforts on one of these channels. If you would like to learn more about attribution, then check out our ebook, Valuing Digital Marketing Channels with Attribution Models.

I hope these articles provided some value for you. What other articles did you find important this week? Comment below with any recommendations!