by Sally Mellinger

It was a dark and dreary night. The full moon hung low amongst the mossy covered trees on an off beaten path in the haunted French Quarter of New Orleans. Daring members of the Slingshot SEO team approached the clearing in the woods where famous Voodoo Priest and Priestess from Distilled, Virante, and SEOMoz were circling around a fiery caldron. “We must learn their secrets,” said an eager Slingshotter. “But I’m scared!,” exclaimed another hesitant Slingshotter.

Okay, so, maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but the Distilled Seminar in New Orleans was pretty magical. I had the honor of attending the Distilled Link Building seminar with some of Slingshot SEO’s finest.

Love what you do.

One of my favorite aspects of my career in SEO is its aura of mystery. Rarely do fellow SEO masterminds have the opportunity to all gather in one place and share our secrets, but the Distilled Seminar coordinated that opportunity. We attended presentations by respected industry leaders, including Will Critchlow of Distilled, Rand Fishkin of SEOmoz, and Russ Jones of Virante. We even had the opportunity to attend question and answer sessions with the presenters.


The overall message of the seminar was one that resonated deeply with me: As SEO professionals, we have a responsibility to protect the internet from becoming an overwhelming mess of junk. We must work with quality clients who are producing quality content. They are the companies that deserve to be reaping the benefits of first page Google search results.

The Slingshotters left the seminar feeling inspired, motivated, and proud. They were all excited to share the knowledge they had acquired with their colleagues back at the Slingshot office. Was it the effects of a good seminar, or had a Voodoo spell been cast on everyone who attended to inspire them to go forth and conquer? Either way, we were all thankful for the opportunity, and can’t wait to implement our new findings in order to benefit our clients.