by Derek Smith

Shopping – it’s the most American of activities, yet the modern shopping experience continues to change. According to Internet Retailer and eMarketer, the estimated spend in U.S. eCommerce sales in 2015 will reach 269.8 billion. It’s no secret that many consumers often prefer to bypass the brick and mortar stores entirely by shopping online. Or they might use online searches to peruse and compare products.

Recognizing this trend, Google maximizes the relevance of its search results by integrating product listings into its universal search results. Traditionally, searchers needed to click on the “shopping” tab to indicate their intent. Today, however, Google has become increasingly adept at telling whether you’re looking for information or intend to buy – and at offering product listings complete with images and prices.

Google Product Search allows consumers to search specifically for a wide variety of products from electronics to jewelry to sports equipment.

How to Create Relevancy

The implications of Google shopping for businesses are huge. To maximize your exposure to potential sales, you need to understand how to create relevancy for a Google products results page, and numerous factors are involved when it comes to creating product relevance. Here’s an overview of three important factors:

Title: Make sure your title includes the relevant keywords for which you want to rank.

Description: What are people searching for? Make sure to answer searchers’ questions as well as include keywords.

Required Fields: You must fill in the required and custom fields with plenty of relevant information. While keeping in mind relevant keywords, don’t forget to look at plural and singular versions of your keywords.

In addition, you need to optimize your images and keep your data fresh, since relevant content is key. Other factors involve price points and reviews of your products.

Interested in learning more about optimizing your Google Products page? Check out the Google Shopping guide for more information about how to cash in from online shopping by getting your products in front of potential buyers.