Category Archives: strategy

Our Vision to Fix Marketing

August 9th, 2012 by Sharmin Kent After months of discussion and preparation, Slingshot SEO’s new evolutionary path was shared with the entire company earlier this week. Our founders, CEO, staff and industry partners spent six months crafting a mission that would help us, as our co-founder and Vice President of Strategy Kevin Bailey said, “share […]

A Girl’s Guide to Brand Advocacy

by Jessica Wilkinson There are lots of buzz words and phrases being thrown around these days within the inbound marketing industry, but the one that makes my heart skip a beat is (drumroll, please) … brand advocacy! You might think that an advocate is someone who RTs a brand or consistently uses a company’s coupons […]

Reflections from SXSW 2012

by Patrick Davis This post is co-written by SEO Account Executives Brian Graham and Patrick Davis. Now that the dust has settled a bit from South by Southwest (SXSW), we wanted to share some thoughts as a first time exhibitor. SXSW proved to be very fruitful for Slingshot SEO, and even though we were accepted […]

KONY 2012: Lessons for a Marketer

by Emily Burgett Chances are, you’ve seen or heard of KONY 2012 by now. As of March 14th, this 30-minute documentary developed by Invisible Children has over 77 million views. It’s exploding on social media sites worldwide while defying the standard rule of thumb to only produce video content that lasts two to four minutes. […]

10 Tried and True Title Strategies that Win

October 25th, 2012 by Chad Pollitt With content marketing becoming increasingly popular among agencies and internal marketing departments, the skill of creating appealing headlines and desirable copy is in demand. A blog post could be expertly written with earth-moving, problem-solving content, but if the title fails to communicate a value proposition or urgency, the writing […]

Making Rainbows Part Three: Leveraging Social Media Influencers

by Muhammad Yasin Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed the first step in using social media for SEO: creating quality content and building your own social communities. However, all of that researching, writing and publishing content will be for naught if it doesn’t reach your target demographic. One surefire way to ensure that your target audience sees […]

SEO for CMOs

by Jen Wilfong For two months now, I’ve worked for Slingshot SEO, a company that passionately focuses on improving search engine rankings for companies that want to increase traffic and potential leads to their website. What am I noticing so far? If companies and chief marketing officers knew what I’ve learned in those two short […]

2013: How Content Will Be A Driving Factor In Search Rankings

November 27th, 2012by Steven Shattuck TweetBuffer To say that Search Engine Optimization is a volatile industry would be a gross understatement. The ever-changing landscape of search rewards the most inquisitive, innovative and agile, while it punishes the devious and the stubborn. It seems that now, as 2012 comes to a close, the SEO industry is […]

3 Characteristics of Content Marketing From the Heart

October 5th, 2012 by Steven Shattuck Almost everything you consume on the web today—blogs, tweets, videos, white papers and eBooks—is part of a content marketing strategy, whether the creators are aware of it or not. Despite the fact that it’s been around for hundreds of years, it seems like marketers have only recently started to […]