August 15th, 2012 by Guest Blogger Building backlinks through guest blogging is nothing new and you can find countless posts online about the ins and the outs of this tactic. The problem that I see with guest blogging is that many online marketers are turning it into something that might be considered no better than […]
Category Archives: strategy
August 2nd, 2012 by Casey Szulc July brought some interesting changes to the SEO world – as well as some heartburn to the numerous recipients of the webmaster tools link warnings. Here’s a quick rundown of the most notable industry updates from the past month: FIREFOX LAUNCHES VERSION 14; ENCRYPTS GOOGLE SEARCHES OFFICIAL POST, July […]
July 16th, 2012 by Muhammad Yasin Influencers—that is, people on social media who have a large following, easily influence trends, and can drive immense amounts of buzz with one share—are the celebrities of the social media eco-system. These influencers exist because of the quality of content they produce and share. Their opinion is valued in […]
July 12th, 2012 by Mark Thomas I’ve been known to set the bar a bit low when it comes to justifying celebrations. The anniversary of my smallpox vaccination, Daniel Boone’s birthday and discovering a three-leaf clover while mowing probably don’t rise to the level most view as auspicious enough to warrant a pause for a […]
July 2nd, 2012 by Chad Pollitt Believe it or not, content marketing has been around since 1895, according to Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Content Marketing Institute. John Deere launched a magazine called The Furrow with the intent of educating farmers on the technology changes occurring at the turn of the century. This publication still […]
June 25th, 2012 by Megan Brown You visit them every day. You obsess over their latest updates, notice their style changes and even monitor who they interact with. You feel odd when you go a day without them, and you wonder how you can get them to notice you. Well, wonder no further. Although there’s […]
June 13th, 2012 by Allison Carter Slingshot SEO welcomes Allison Carter to our blog. While we focus on enterprise business, in this guest post from our friends at Roundpeg, Allison offers some great suggestions on content development and outreach for small businesses. Do you ever feel like a slave to search engines? It’s easy to […]
March 7, 2012 by Steven Shattuck Take a quick glance at your Facebook newsfeed. You’ll probably not only notice a variety of shared content, but also subtle differences in how that content is displayed. Text-only posts, photo-only posts, posts with links that you can see, and ones that you can’t. For marketers, the goal of […]
October 18th, 2012 by Jeremy Dearringer Many companies today who engage in search engine optimization campaigns lean either on an internal SEO specialist or a fully outsourced agency who provides a turnkey solution. While both strategies have their merit, we believe that an ideal SEO engagement should be a hybrid of the two – matching a […]
by Sharmin Kent The Internet gives millions of people a way to connect with each other, create communities, and identify and address needs that aren’t met in the “real” world. But online communities can build markets for products and services as well: Creating those markets often requires targeted content that speaks to niche audiences. With […]