Category Archives: strategy

Horses and Bayonets: Has The Nature of SEO Changed?

October 23rd, 2012 by Dustin Clark “We also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of the military has changed.” – POTUS The nature of SEO has changed. Only the most unread and dated of marketers have missed the rash of “The Death of SEO” articles circulating every time… oh, every time Google takes […]

Define Customer Personas Today to Understand the Prospects of Tomorrow

October 18th, 2012 by Dustin Clark My 18-month-old son is an Eric Clapton fan. And possibly a rhythmic baby genius. I discovered this on my way to day care last week, when the toddler began “clucking” along with the song “Signe,” from Clapton’s Unplugged album. This led to me bragging about this moment the rest […]

4 Production Techniques for Creating Written Content for Clients

October 17th, 2012 by Chad Pollitt The realization that content is king on the Internet has infiltrated the marketing world in a big way over the last few years. Content-producing startups seem to be popping up everywhere. In the content marketing world a mature company is only three to five years old, and some of […]

Evaluating Marketing Automation Software for Lead Generation and Management

October 8th, 2012 by Chad Pollitt Today’s technology has made B2B online lead generation and management efficient, scalable and effective. Most online marketing automation software provides a “one-stop-shop” solution for Marketing Departments. So, rather than jumping back and forth between multiple systems and websites, everything is accessible through one interface. This saves time and makes […]

6 Easy Steps to Set Up Authorship Through Your Google+ Profile

October 1st, 2012 by Steven Shattuck If you’ve followed SEO and Internet marketing news over the past year, you’ve no doubt come across the concept of AuthorRank, which AJ Kohn says “could be more disruptive than all of the Panda updates combined.” Google, who actually labels it “Agent Rank,” describes it as “the identity of […]

Align Content Marketing With Your Brand Before It’s Too Late

September 27th, 2012 by Kevin Bailey Content marketing is today’s “it” marketing strategy—as it should be. Thanks to some tweaks by Google and the rise of the social web, we believe content marketing is now the most powerful form of Internet marketing that’s ever existed. When done right, it drives unprecedented inbound traffic from search, […]

Making Rainbows Part Two: Creating Social Media Communities

September 26th, 2012 by Muhammad Yasin The practice of using social media for SEO is becoming increasingly important. In order to have your message resonate on social media, and in turn impact your business as it pertains to search engine ranking and online visibility (and eventually monetarily), there are a number of steps you must […]

Cast Your Vote: Ranking Signals in a Social Media Era

September 25th, 2012 by Bradley Smith Considering the upcoming presidential election, it seems appropriate to draw some similarities between the United States’ complicated Electoral College process and how Google chooses which sites win that No. 1 spot. If you need a brief political science refresher, presidents are elected based on an indirect vote by the […]

Best Practices for Achieving Critical Mass on Your Google+ Brand Page

September 18th, 2012 by Steven Shattuck When I was hired as Community Manager for Slingshot SEO in February of 2012, I was put in charge of managing the Slingshot SEO social media accounts. One of our most underutilized networks was Google+. Though it’s often derided as the red-headed stepchild of the social media family, many […]

Making Rainbows: Adding Social Media to your Marketing Mix

August 30th, 2012 by Muhammad Yasin The practice of using social media for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is becoming increasingly important. In order to have your message resonate on social media (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc.) and, in turn, impact your business as it pertains to search engine ranking and online visibility (and eventually in terms […]