Category Archives: strategy

[GUIDE] Master the Art of Content Repurposing

December 4th, 2012 by Steven Shattuck According to the Content Marketing Institute’s annual report, 64 percent of B2B content marketers say they are challenged with producing enough content. Marketers understand the importance of content like blogs, infographics and videos – the challenge is balancing production with other day-to-day responsibilities while producing enough content to be successful. Repurposing […]

Evolving Sales from ‘Always Be Closing’ to ‘Always Be Helping’

December 4th, 2012 by Aaron Aders The classic Glengarry Glen Ross scene is unforgettable – not only to those who saw the movie, but also to anyone who held a sales position in the 20th century. The ABC (Always Be Closing) sales methodology reigned supreme, and still does in some organizations that have failed to evolve with […]

Don’t Fall for the Web Analytics One-Night Stand

November 28th, 2012 by Aaron Aders While attending SES San Francisco this year, I was able to watch an incredible keynote by none other than the Google Analytics creator himself, Avinash Kaushik. During his presentation, he drew an in interesting analogy in website data analysis called “the one-night stand.” Throughout his keynote speech, Kaushik frequently […]

Infographics 3.0 – The Next Generation of Rich Media

November 27th, 2012 by Sharlene Boodram Since the release of our very first infographic two years ago, this media type has grown in popularity. The digital presence of infographics wasn’t as common at that time, but the demand for them was great even though the ROI wasn’t fully understood.  As millions of infographics surfaced on the Internet […]

What Is Social Proof And Why Should Inbound Marketers Care?

November 26th, 2012 by Aaron Aders Robert Cialdini’s best selling book Influence outlines seven basic principles behind the psychology of persuasion. One of my favorite heuristics outlined by Cialdini is the principle of “Social Proof.” The most classic example of social proof is the sitcom laugh track. The fact is that nobody likes canned laughter, yet adding a laugh […]

Rifle Shot Vs Shotgun Blast: The Value of Coordinated Content

November 20th, 2012 by Dustin Clark Producing content is the number one challenge for any content marketer in today’s inbound marketing world. But the “what” and the “why” of content marketing are just as important as the “how much.” Producing content for the sake of producing content does nothing to help your brand. If you […]

5 Ways To Create Content That Competes

November 14th, 2012 by Zach Burton As more and more commerce, thought leadership and information exchange occurs digitally, your brand is in danger of being lost in communicative cacophony. In order to plant your flag in the digital marketplace, your message must be crafted to compete with the surrounding noise. In this blog post, we […]

Big Data + Social Media Wins Elections (and Clients!)

November 14th, 2012 by Aaron Aders If the 2008 presidential election revealed the power of social media in politics, the 2012 presidential election demonstrated its ability to provide essential demographic data. The secret to President Barack Obama’s first win was integration of grassroots organization via social media. Team Obama took that strategy to the next […]

A 5 Step Social Strategy That Converts

October 30th, 2012 by Sharlene Boodram The Viral Media team at Slingshot SEO coordinates production and promotion of rich media. Because clients have differing social media goals, our team is constantly tweaking strategies to achieve the best results for every campaign. Most recently, we have been developing a more methodical and flexible social strategy that […]

Inbound Marketing From Start To Finish

October 25th, 2012 by Jackie Newnam Inbound Marketing is one of those terms that means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. That inevitably gives rise to many competing schools of thought and strategies for executing an inbound marketing campaign. Marketers who understand the importance of content marketing, social media and […]