Category Archives: social-media

Making Rainbows Part Three: Leveraging Social Media Influencers

by Muhammad Yasin Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed the first step in using social media for SEO: creating quality content and building your own social communities. However, all of that researching, writing and publishing content will be for naught if it doesn’t reach your target demographic. One surefire way to ensure that your target audience sees […]

Are You Ready To Win? It is Time For CLASS

by Shari Finnell When a couple of sports reporters showed up for one of Dirk Nowitzki’s workouts recently, they left in disbelief. ESPN’s Bob Salmi said the NBA player’s routine was just crazy; one of the most bizarre things he had ever seen in basketball. Dave D’Alessandro of the New Jersey Star-Ledger was a bit […]

3 Ways to Avoid Feeling Socially Awkward

by Steven Shattuck On the first Friday in May, I had the pleasure of joining Jeff Jordan, the Social Media Product Manager at Adobe, and Beth Perell, VP of Communications & Information Management at Goodwill Industries International for a panel discussion – Feeling Socially Awkward: A Strategy for Measuring this Hip New World – at […]