Category Archives: seo-research

Google +1 and Digital Relevance on Slingshot SEO TV – Episode #2

by Courtney Logel And we’re back with the second episode of Slingshot SEO TV. In the first month’s episode, we covered some awesome material, but this month we went live again with Jim and Jesse to address all new issues floating in the realm of SEO.  The program started with an explanation of Digital Relevance, […]

I Say Healthcare Google Says Health Care

by Jody Mugele One of my go-to phrases is “language is squishy.” The writer part of me loves that language changes, and digs the freedom to use words like grrl and veepees in blog posts because, well, they are blog posts. And those are fun words. Even Scrabble is accommodating these new words born from […]

Search TV Episode 3: Stop Chasing the Algorithm

by Courtney Logel Jim and Jesse hit on the hot topics of the SEO industry for a third time on the newly named show- SearchTV. In this episode, we revisit an old yet still trending topic- JCPenney and Overstock. Jesse describes how both sites have bounced back from Google penalties to top ranking positions but […]

New Instant Preview Overshadows Side Ads

by David Tittle David: Recently, my colleague Evan and I noticed an update in Google’s instant preview.  While it is a more user-friendly design, this new change has the potential to greatly devalue pay-per-click ads.  Before we get into that, let’s have a review. Evan: Long ago, on November 9th 2010, Google rolled out the […]

Cyber Monday Recap: A Comparison of Before & After

by Casey Szulc As comScore recently reported, Cyber Monday 2011 was the heaviest online spending day in history, with $1.251 billion in online sales – up 22% from last year. Thanksgiving night and Black Friday are generally acknowledged as the start of the holiday shopping season and some of the busiest in-store shopping days, but […]

Sample Selection Matters: Wikipedia Ranks on Page One for 28% of Searches

by Mark Rees We saw the posts on Intelligent Positioning and Search Engine Watch earlier this month and did the exact same study but with a larger (2955 SERPs), more diverse (1-9 words in length) set of keywords. We used keywords serviced for real clients, which provide a sample representative of more competitive, valuable, and […]

New Google Analytics Multi-Channel Attribution

by Evan Fishkin Multi Channel attribution is the Holy Grail of analytics. Fortunately it’s more like the Indiana Jones version than the Da Vinci Code version. The new Multi Channel attribution features give Google Analytics users a more complete understanding of the conversion process. Before, Google Analytics attributed all conversions to the last referring source. […]

R & D at Slingshot SEO (Part Two)

by Jay Love In my previous post, we explored how Slingshot SEO’s Research and Development department came into being, as well as peered inside the personalities and backgrounds of the three members that make up the team. This week, we’re digging a little deeper to take a look at the numerous projects the R&D team […]