Category Archives: on-page-seo

July’s Biggest Changes In SEO

August 2nd, 2012 by Casey Szulc July brought some interesting changes to the SEO world – as well as some heartburn to the numerous recipients of the webmaster tools link warnings. Here’s a quick rundown of the most notable industry updates from the past month: FIREFOX LAUNCHES VERSION 14; ENCRYPTS GOOGLE SEARCHES OFFICIAL POST, July […]

Easing the Rankings Climb for eCommerce

by Derek Smith Scrap the ice axe and crampons, buddy. Getting your eCommerce site to climb up those search engine ranking pages doesn’t have to feel like you’re climbing Mt. Everest. Your climb to the heights of eCommerce success can become much easier with some proper focus on content and architecture. An eCommerce website is […]

4 Questions I Answered at the SESNY Roundtable Event

by Rasheite Radcliff This year SESNY incorporated a new event called Roundtables. I had the opportunity to lead the SEO Content Marketing roundtable with Simon Heseltine the Director of SEO from AOL. I was honored that Slingshot SEO chose me to represent our company, and I must say it felt quite nice to offer advice […]

Crawlers, New Microdata & Panda: A Selective Recap of SMX Advanced

by Evan Fishkin OK. I realize this post is a little untimely since SMX Advanced ended like … uh, three weeks ago. But due to having to grapple with The Plague, which I inadvertently picked up during one of four visits to five different airports in a 10-day period, I’m just now able to deliver […]

Saving the Infographic: An Endangered SEO Tool with Marketing Benefits

by Sharlene Boodram For the last year or two, Infographics have been carving out significant space on the Internet, with no signs of slowing down. In many cases, Infographics draw higher volumes of attention than other forms of web content. However, there is also a growing epidemic of shoddy Infographics that needs to be addressed. […]

Get Your SEO in Order. Literally.

by Jody Mugele SEO can often have that which-came-first-the-chicken-or-the-egg feel. In general, SEO is a concept that’s difficult to understand. You can’t touch it. SEO practices change. There are few hard and fast rules, few classes, and few experts on the matter. Often it’s a struggle to even explain it, even when you’re an SEO […]

How to Generate Sales Leads With Killer Meta Description Tags

by Guest Blogger Meta descriptions are like silly old Uncle Bob who gets ignored at Thanksgiving get-togethers. But did you know that Uncle Bob is actually a multi-millionaire looking for a decent niece or nephew to include in his will? Like Bob, meta descriptions are often ignored or duplicated on multiple pages by website page […]