by Matt Hunckler If you weren’t in San Diego last week, you missed out. Over 7,300 e-commerce and Internet marketing pros made the journey to the San Diego Convention Center for the annual Internet Retailer conference (IRCE). This year’s was the biggest yet! For those who couldn’t make it, here’s what you missed: just about […]
Category Archives: marketing-strategy
by Evan Fishkin OK. I realize this post is a little untimely since SMX Advanced ended like … uh, three weeks ago. But due to having to grapple with The Plague, which I inadvertently picked up during one of four visits to five different airports in a 10-day period, I’m just now able to deliver […]
by Sharlene Boodram For the last year or two, Infographics have been carving out significant space on the Internet, with no signs of slowing down. In many cases, Infographics draw higher volumes of attention than other forms of web content. However, there is also a growing epidemic of shoddy Infographics that needs to be addressed. […]
by Matt Hunckler What happens when you bring together 400-500 of the search industry’s elite? We found out during last week’s big Seattle search media conference—MozCon. For starters, we found out that when you pack that many web geeks into one room, it can easily bring even the most enterprise wifi network to its knees. […]
by Phil Golobish On June 28, 2011, Google launched a new social network called Google+ (Google Plus). At the time of this writing, it’s been entertaining humanity’s desire to add people to social “circles” for 21 days and has amassed over 10 million users (some estimates put Google+ at over 20 million users). Given that […]
by Jody Mugele One of my go-to phrases is “language is squishy.” The writer part of me loves that language changes, and digs the freedom to use words like grrl and veepees in blog posts because, well, they are blog posts. And those are fun words. Even Scrabble is accommodating these new words born from […]
by Jay Love During the last 26 years of my business career, I was closely associated with the non-profit world. Within that environment there exists several well-known governing bodies and associations, and I had the privilege to serve on the boards of most of those groups. I chose to continue serving on one particular board […]
by Phil Golobish The search engine marketing (SEM) industry has grown to support a few major events. Perhaps the largest and most well known of these events is the series, Search Marketing Exposition (SMX), organized by the publishers of Search Engine Land. Last week, I had the opportunity of attending SMX East 2011 in New […]
by Guest Blogger Brock Benefiel is an online editor at Angie’s List. For the past year, he has been on the company’s search marketing team devoted to producing original content to help homeowners and consumers, drive search rankings and increase membership. At Angie’s List, creating good content means promoting action—promote consumer awareness, good hiring practices, […]
by Derek Smith The customer is always right – even when they’re not visiting your website. You’ve got to meet them where they’re at. Millions of potential customers are on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and more conversations about companies and products are taking place online than ever before. Yet many companies […]