Category Archives: life-at-slingshot-seo

How To Get An Internship At An Inbound Marketing Agency

November 6th, 2012 by Steven Shattuck It seems as though no matter what time of year it is, thousands of eager undergrads are pursuing internships in their chosen fields of study. While stuffy corporate entities may look to only hire straight-laced, all-business candidates, the inbound marketing field craves creativity and innovation above all. If you’re a […]

Dear Marketing Professors: You’re Churning Out Mad Men, Not Chris Brogans

October 31st, 2012 by Chad Pollitt Over the last 20 years, marketing has evolved at a tremendous pace, and the transition from outbound marketing to inbound marketing is in full stride. This isn’t just one marketer’s opinion, either: Cornerstone brands like Coca-Cola and Procter and Gamble are shifting budgets, dropping outbound agencies or laying off marketers. Many […]

DIY Halloween Mask with Adobe Illustrator [Tutorial]

October 23rd, 2012 by Brandon VanHook Whether using an image you found online or a character you created yourself, making a cutout mask for Halloween is totally easy and do-it-yourself-able. All you need is Adobe Illustrator and access to an 8.5 x 11 sheet of white card stock, scissors and a printer. Mask Cutout Tutorial […]

Indiana 2012: Where’s My Noobie Pin?

August 17th, 2012 by Danielle Look Last week, the entire Search Media Department at Slingshot SEO attended Blog Indiana – a social media and blogging conference held August 9-10 at the University of Indianapolis. The organizers instituted a “people tagging” system wherein attendees were asked to wear pins that spoke to their area of expertise […]

Meet Fritz, the #SEOMonkey!

July 30th, 2012 by Emily Burgett Many of us have a memory of a mascot that takes us back to a certain time, place or feeling. It may remind you of the first professional baseball game you attended as a kid. Or it could be the one that has you hysterically laughing every time it […]

A Toast to Google+

July 12th, 2012 by Mark Thomas I’ve been known to set the bar a bit low when it comes to justifying celebrations. The anniversary of my smallpox vaccination, Daniel Boone’s birthday and discovering a three-leaf clover while mowing probably don’t rise to the level most view as auspicious enough to warrant a pause for a […]

SEO and the Humanities

June 15th, 2012 by Thomas Doane-Swanson When I graduated from college with an English degree (without a teaching certificate) at the beginning of the recession, I surveyed my known job-prospects, juxtaposed these against my debt-to-income ratio, and came to the devastating conclusion that I would have to work as a bartender for the rest of […]

3 Things I’ve Learned Since Becoming a Slingshotter

by Brooke Schultz Stepping into the world of social media felt a lot like crashing an A-list dinner over at Angelina Jolie’s chateau. I felt a little out of place with all the fast-paced lifestyles, the energetic personalities, the gaggles of follower reactions when you say something witty, the insider tips that spread like wildfire […]

Our Vision to Fix Marketing

August 9th, 2012 by Sharmin Kent After months of discussion and preparation, Slingshot SEO’s new evolutionary path was shared with the entire company earlier this week. Our founders, CEO, staff and industry partners spent six months crafting a mission that would help us, as our co-founder and Vice President of Strategy Kevin Bailey said, “share […]