Category Archives: general-seo

SearchTV Episode 4 – Google Transparency

by Courtney Logel Is Google giving preference to its own products over competing products? Has an anti-trust issue caused Google’s Page Rank to decrease from 10 to 9? Jim Brown and Jesse Laffen once again create a compelling debate in episode 4 of Search TV- they hit on search industry highlights through rapid-fire, two-minute discussions […]

Google+: What We’re Telling Clients

by Phil Golobish On June 28, 2011, Google launched a new social network called Google+ (Google Plus). At the time of this writing, it’s been entertaining humanity’s desire to add people to social “circles” for 21 days and has amassed over 10 million users (some estimates put Google+ at over 20 million users). Given that […]

Google Panda Means Good Writing Is More Important Than Ever

by Guest Blogger Erik Deckers is the co-owner and VP of Creative Services for Professional Blog Service in Indianapolis. He has been blogging since 1997, and has been a published writer for more than 24 years. He has been a newspaper humor columnist for 17 years, and is published in 10 newspapers around Indiana. Erik […]

Google +1 and Digital Relevance on Slingshot SEO TV – Episode #2

by Courtney Logel And we’re back with the second episode of Slingshot SEO TV. In the first month’s episode, we covered some awesome material, but this month we went live again with Jim and Jesse to address all new issues floating in the realm of SEO.  The program started with an explanation of Digital Relevance, […]

Leadership from Slingshot SEO to Africa (Part Two)

by Jay Love In last week’s post, we peeked into one of Slingshot SEO’s leadership development processes — the quarterly feedback session. I also introduced Alston, my new friend, who is now back in his home country of Africa attending two universities to achieve double majors. He’s doing all that while continuing his participation in […]

I Say Healthcare Google Says Health Care

by Jody Mugele One of my go-to phrases is “language is squishy.” The writer part of me loves that language changes, and digs the freedom to use words like grrl and veepees in blog posts because, well, they are blog posts. And those are fun words. Even Scrabble is accommodating these new words born from […]

Search TV Episode 3: Stop Chasing the Algorithm

by Courtney Logel Jim and Jesse hit on the hot topics of the SEO industry for a third time on the newly named show- SearchTV. In this episode, we revisit an old yet still trending topic- JCPenney and Overstock. Jesse describes how both sites have bounced back from Google penalties to top ranking positions but […]

SEO CLASS Analysis Report Meeting

by Jay Love Recently, I had the pleasure of attending a Slingshot SEO client meeting in which our CLASS analysis report was being presented to a client. After the usual pleasant greetings and musings about current events in the world of marketing, the lights were dimmed, the projector was focused and more than 90 minutes […]

Ethics in the High Tech World

by Jay Love During the last 26 years of my business career, I was closely associated with the non-profit world.   Within that environment there exists several well-known governing bodies and associations, and I had the privilege to serve on the boards of most of those groups. I chose to continue serving on one particular board […]