Category Archives: general-seo

How to Make the Most Out of the New LinkedIn Profile

October 29th, 2012 by Ashley Billman On average, how often do you update your resume when you aren’t actively looking for employment? The answer for most people is probably “never.” Now, how often do you update your LinkedIn profile when you aren’t actively looking for employment? According to Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, users are updating […]

Horses and Bayonets: Has The Nature of SEO Changed?

October 23rd, 2012 by Dustin Clark “We also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of the military has changed.” – POTUS The nature of SEO has changed. Only the most unread and dated of marketers have missed the rash of “The Death of SEO” articles circulating every time… oh, every time Google takes […]

Holiday SEO Checklist

by Casey Szulc What started as a simple marketing ploy in 2005, the Monday following Thanksgiving, known as “Cyber Monday,” has quickly become the largest online shopping day of the year. With $1.028 billion in online spending, Cyber Monday 2010 was the heaviest online spending day in history and the first to surpass the billion-dollar […]

6 Easy Steps to Set Up Authorship Through Your Google+ Profile

October 1st, 2012 by Steven Shattuck If you’ve followed SEO and Internet marketing news over the past year, you’ve no doubt come across the concept of AuthorRank, which AJ Kohn says “could be more disruptive than all of the Panda updates combined.” Google, who actually labels it “Agent Rank,” describes it as “the identity of […]

Align Content Marketing With Your Brand Before It’s Too Late

September 27th, 2012 by Kevin Bailey Content marketing is today’s “it” marketing strategy—as it should be. Thanks to some tweaks by Google and the rise of the social web, we believe content marketing is now the most powerful form of Internet marketing that’s ever existed. When done right, it drives unprecedented inbound traffic from search, […]

5 Tips For Getting The Most From Your Guest ging

August 15th, 2012 by Guest Blogger Building backlinks through guest blogging is nothing new and you can find countless posts online about the ins and the outs of this tactic. The problem that I see with guest blogging is that many online marketers are turning it into something that might be considered no better than […]

5 TOFU Content Marketing Ideas You (Probably) Haven’t Thought of Yet

August 6th, 2012 by Guest Blogger Producing enough content to satisfy Panda, Penguin and the rest of the zoo animals is difficult enough, but let’s assume you have a firm grip on producing at least one blog post a day and multiple pieces of advanced content a quarter. Great! But have you noticed your content […]

July’s Biggest Changes In SEO

August 2nd, 2012 by Casey Szulc July brought some interesting changes to the SEO world – as well as some heartburn to the numerous recipients of the webmaster tools link warnings. Here’s a quick rundown of the most notable industry updates from the past month: FIREFOX LAUNCHES VERSION 14; ENCRYPTS GOOGLE SEARCHES OFFICIAL POST, July […]

Digital Cream Re-Cap (Video)

July 6th, 2012 by Aaron Aders Digital Cream San Jose is an opportunity for senior client-side digital marketers to discuss the reality of digital marketing as well as best practices with the online marketing industry’s ‘cream of the crop’ in an exclusive invitation-only roundtable event. The two keynotes of the day were a presentation by Chris Tolles, […]

116 Years in the Making: Dynamic Content Marketing for the Enterprise

July 2nd, 2012 by Chad Pollitt Believe it or not, content marketing has been around since 1895, according to Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Content Marketing Institute. John Deere launched a magazine called The Furrow with the intent of educating farmers on the technology changes occurring at the turn of the century. This publication still […]