September 19th, 2012 by Steven Shattuck Chances are you have the same problem that everyone else has: you understand the value of blogging, but you just can’t seem to produce the volume of content you know you need in order to be successful. Maybe you have willing writers, but a lack of topic ideas. The […]
Category Archives: content
November 1st, 2012by Steven Shattuck According to the 2013 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends – North America report from the Content Marketing Institute, 64% of B2B content marketers say they are challenged with producing enough content. While harnessing your internal workforce to write that content is a good place to start, many employees may not be […]
by Shari Finnell When it comes to boxing, I don’t know much. Well, actually close to nothing. I’ve probably seen a total of 10 matches in my lifetime … Mike Tyson vaguely comes to mind. However, I do know this: When a couple of professional boxers step into the ring, odds are they’re going to […]
by Shari Finnell When a couple of sports reporters showed up for one of Dirk Nowitzki’s workouts recently, they left in disbelief. ESPN’s Bob Salmi said the NBA player’s routine was just crazy; one of the most bizarre things he had ever seen in basketball. Dave D’Alessandro of the New Jersey Star-Ledger was a bit […]
by Shari Finnell When you’re working in an industry that’s unfamiliar to the average person, more than likely you’re prepared to give at least a 5- to 10-minute answer to the question, “What do you do?” Those types of jobs don’t come along often. Now that I find myself working in the SEO industry, I […]
by Shari Finnell Back when I was working as an editor for a monthly magazine, I started my morning with an exercise routine. It went something like this: Delete, delete, delete … pause … delete, delete, pause … click, click, click … delete, delete. Faced with a mailbox that was flooded with hundreds of emails […]
November 27th, 2012by Steven Shattuck TweetBuffer To say that Search Engine Optimization is a volatile industry would be a gross understatement. The ever-changing landscape of search rewards the most inquisitive, innovative and agile, while it punishes the devious and the stubborn. It seems that now, as 2012 comes to a close, the SEO industry is […]
by Rasheite Radcliff We have heard many times that any press is good press, but let’s be honest with ourselves—bad press does not stimulate the loyalty a brand wants and deserves from its customer or client base. When you think of press releases you think about something timely and newsworthy—a charity event for breast cancer […]
by Rasheite Radcliff Content is King: It seems that phrase, attributed to a Bill Gates article circa 1996, will never expire. It is the most important aspect of the internet these days, and unless you are satisfying your customers with great content you probably aren’t returning good search results. But it goes far beyond writing […]
October 5th, 2012 by Steven Shattuck Almost everything you consume on the web today—blogs, tweets, videos, white papers and eBooks—is part of a content marketing strategy, whether the creators are aware of it or not. Despite the fact that it’s been around for hundreds of years, it seems like marketers have only recently started to […]