Category Archives: blogging

Indiana 2012: Where’s My Noobie Pin?

August 17th, 2012 by Danielle Look Last week, the entire Search Media Department at Slingshot SEO attended Blog Indiana – a social media and blogging conference held August 9-10 at the University of Indianapolis. The organizers instituted a “people tagging” system wherein attendees were asked to wear pins that spoke to their area of expertise […]

5 Tips For Getting The Most From Your Guest ging

August 15th, 2012 by Guest Blogger Building backlinks through guest blogging is nothing new and you can find countless posts online about the ins and the outs of this tactic. The problem that I see with guest blogging is that many online marketers are turning it into something that might be considered no better than […]

3 Tips for mancing I Learned at World & New Media Expo NYC

June 25th, 2012 by Megan Brown You visit them every day. You obsess over their latest updates, notice their style changes and even monitor who they interact with. You feel odd when you go a day without them, and you wonder how you can get them to notice you. Well, wonder no further. Although there’s […]