Author Archives: Slingshot

Indy-based Slingshot SEO and Cicero-based Mainstreet Property Group Named to Inc. Magazine’s Annual List of 500/5000 Fastest Growing Private Companies

August 22nd, 2012 by Steven Shattuck Professional SEO and inbound marketing firm Slingshot SEO and Cicero-based innovative senior living developer Mainstreet Property Group have been named two of the country’s fastest growing private companies by Inc. magazine. Founded in 2006 by three friends from Zionsville, Slingshot SEO’s No. 136 rank was based on its three-year […]

Indiana 2012: Where’s My Noobie Pin?

August 17th, 2012 by Danielle Look Last week, the entire Search Media Department at Slingshot SEO attended Blog Indiana – a social media and blogging conference held August 9-10 at the University of Indianapolis. The organizers instituted a “people tagging” system wherein attendees were asked to wear pins that spoke to their area of expertise […]

5 Tips For Getting The Most From Your Guest ging

August 15th, 2012 by Guest Blogger Building backlinks through guest blogging is nothing new and you can find countless posts online about the ins and the outs of this tactic. The problem that I see with guest blogging is that many online marketers are turning it into something that might be considered no better than […]

Digital Marketing Firm Slingshot SEO Launches E-Book To Help Marketers Measure Online Marketing Efforts

August 14th, 2012 by Steven Shattuck Largest National Study to Date Helps Marketers Understand and Track Which Online Channels Are Generating Returns Slingshot SEO, the innovative firm delivering digital relevance for deserving brands, has produced a new e-book that helps marketers measure their online marketing campaigns. “Valuing Digital Marketing Channels with Attribution Models” is the […]

5 TOFU Content Marketing Ideas You (Probably) Haven’t Thought of Yet

August 6th, 2012 by Guest Blogger Producing enough content to satisfy Panda, Penguin and the rest of the zoo animals is difficult enough, but let’s assume you have a firm grip on producing at least one blog post a day and multiple pieces of advanced content a quarter. Great! But have you noticed your content […]

July’s Biggest Changes In SEO

August 2nd, 2012 by Casey Szulc July brought some interesting changes to the SEO world – as well as some heartburn to the numerous recipients of the webmaster tools link warnings. Here’s a quick rundown of the most notable industry updates from the past month: FIREFOX LAUNCHES VERSION 14; ENCRYPTS GOOGLE SEARCHES OFFICIAL POST, July […]

Meet Fritz, the #SEOMonkey!

July 30th, 2012 by Emily Burgett Many of us have a memory of a mascot that takes us back to a certain time, place or feeling. It may remind you of the first professional baseball game you attended as a kid. Or it could be the one that has you hysterically laughing every time it […]

Cult of Celebrity: Can Social Influencers Drive Brand Value?

July 16th, 2012 by Muhammad Yasin Influencers—that is, people on social media who have a large following, easily influence trends, and can drive immense amounts of buzz with one share—are the celebrities of the social media eco-system. These influencers exist because of the quality of content they produce and share. Their opinion is valued in […]

A Toast to Google+

July 12th, 2012 by Mark Thomas I’ve been known to set the bar a bit low when it comes to justifying celebrations. The anniversary of my smallpox vaccination, Daniel Boone’s birthday and discovering a three-leaf clover while mowing probably don’t rise to the level most view as auspicious enough to warrant a pause for a […]

How to Speed Up Your Next Website Redesign Project

July 9th, 2012 by Michael Reynolds This is a guest post from Michael Reynolds, President/CEO of SpinWeb. SpinWeb is a digital agency in Indianapolis, Indiana specializing in corporate web design and digital marketing. Whenever I talked to organizations about a website redesign project, the issue of timeline is always one of the hot topics. Everyone wants to know […]