Author Archives: Slingshot

3 Free Analytics Tools For The Busy Social Media Manager

October 11th, 2012 by Steven Shattuck It’s been said that what gets measured gets done, and improved upon. For the Social Media Manager engaging with communities across multiple channels, analytics are critical to proving ROI and honing future campaigns. Many social network have built in analytics tools, but if you’re looking to include more complex […]

I Say Healthcare Google Says Health Care

by Jody Mugele One of my go-to phrases is “language is squishy.” The writer part of me loves that language changes, and digs the freedom to use words like grrl and veepees in blog posts because, well, they are blog posts. And those are fun words. Even Scrabble is accommodating these new words born from […]

Search TV Episode 3: Stop Chasing the Algorithm

by Courtney Logel Jim and Jesse hit on the hot topics of the SEO industry for a third time on the newly named show- SearchTV. In this episode, we revisit an old yet still trending topic- JCPenney and Overstock. Jesse describes how both sites have bounced back from Google penalties to top ranking positions but […]

SEO CLASS Analysis Report Meeting

by Jay Love Recently, I had the pleasure of attending a Slingshot SEO client meeting in which our CLASS analysis report was being presented to a client. After the usual pleasant greetings and musings about current events in the world of marketing, the lights were dimmed, the projector was focused and more than 90 minutes […]

Facebook Questions: Expand the Audience, Expand Your Mind

by Slingshot Bloggers Can you imagine being able to ask a question—any question within any topic—to a community of over 500 million active users?  Facebook aims to soon make this large scale question and answer session a reality to all of its registered users in the form of “Facebook Questions.”  Introduced last month as a […]

Ethics in the High Tech World

by Jay Love During the last 26 years of my business career, I was closely associated with the non-profit world.   Within that environment there exists several well-known governing bodies and associations, and I had the privilege to serve on the boards of most of those groups. I chose to continue serving on one particular board […]

How to Generate Sales Leads With Killer Meta Description Tags

by Guest Blogger Meta descriptions are like silly old Uncle Bob who gets ignored at Thanksgiving get-togethers. But did you know that Uncle Bob is actually a multi-millionaire looking for a decent niece or nephew to include in his will? Like Bob, meta descriptions are often ignored or duplicated on multiple pages by website page […]