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by Emily Burgett WordPress and Tumblr are both great platforms for sharing engaging content that beginners and advanced web developers alike can employ. Depending on your message and type of audience you would like to attract, you may decide that one platform delivers that message better than the other. So what should you do if...
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by Shari Finnell Back in the day when I was a rookie newspaper reporter, I worked for an editor with a morning routine that constantly set his staff on edge … every day. I can picture him now … a cup of black coffee in one hand, while he anxiously scanned the competitor’s newspaper in...
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by Guest Blogger Ken Moorhead is the social media manager and blog editor for Compendium, the business blogging platform. When not busy writing creative briefs for the Compendium staff blog, he fills the hours with MBA studies and general hijinx. In the comments following my last post, Six Minutes to Understanding Business Blogging, Kyle Lacy...
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by Courtney Logel Indianapolis (Monday, August 8)-  Jay Love, one of the most respected technology entrepreneurs in Indiana, is returning to his home state to lead Slingshot SEO, the company dedicated to providing digital relevance for deserving brands. One of the founders of eTapestry and most recently CEO of Baltimore-based software developer Social Solutions, Love...
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by Steven Shattuck If you tuned into the April 26thMarketingSherpa webinar, “How to Accelerate Lead Quality & Conversions with Content Marketing Optimization,” you learned that good content makes for a better search experience and increased conversions. In case you missed the webinar, though, here are 3 key takeaways from the presentation: 1) Start With Research:...
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by Courtney Logel Indianapolis (November 17) – Slingshot SEO, the company dedicated to providing digital relevance to deserving brands, has a few tips for online shoppers this holiday season. “The Monday after Thanksgiving, dubbed ‘CyberMonday,’ has been called one of the busiest online shopping days of the year,” said Jeremy Dearringer, Chief Research Officer and...
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by Derek Smith Scrap the ice axe and crampons, buddy. Getting your eCommerce site to climb up those search engine ranking pages doesn’t have to feel like you’re climbing Mt. Everest. Your climb to the heights of eCommerce success can become much easier with some proper focus on content and architecture. An eCommerce website is...
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by Brooke Schultz Stepping into the world of social media felt a lot like crashing an A-list dinner over at Angelina Jolie’s chateau. I felt a little out of place with all the fast-paced lifestyles, the energetic personalities, the gaggles of follower reactions when you say something witty, the insider tips that spread like wildfire...
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by Shari Finnell Are people tweeting about your web site? Sharing your content with friends? Leaving comments on your blog posts? Recommending your site to others? Here at Slingshot SEO, we think there’s no reason your content shouldn’t be shared if it’s worth talking about. Lately, I’ve been thinking about what it takes for someone...
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by Jeremy Dearringer Do you feel like you’ve reached a glass ceiling with regards to the number of competitive keywords you can get your homepage to rank for? Is it possible that traffic from some of your competitive keyword phrases might not convert well if your homepage is the first thing that website visitor sees?...
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