November 19th, 2012

by Chad Pollitt

Optimization tips usually come in the form of SEO action items. However, SEO is one of many online areas that can be optimized. All too often, social media optimization (SMO) and conversion rate optimization (CRO) take a back seat to SEO. Some marketers fail to realize that successful SMO and CRO positively impacts SEO by enhancing social signals and increasing time on site. CRO is also the path for determining the ROI of online marketing, whether from search, social, referral, email, paid or direct traffic.

Below are nine simple tips for content marketers to deploy on their corporate blogs and websites. If fully deployed, expect to see many key performance indicators move in a positive direction.

What is SMO?

The process of optimizing a brand’s social role on the web in order to enhance web visibility, traffic and conversions.

Social Media Optimization Tips

1. Make content easily shareable – share buttons

2. Make content easy to subscribe to – RSS and email

3. Make social media profiles easy to find and follow

4. Use social media plugins

5. Experiment with timing when posting content to social media accounts

What is CRO?

The process of optimizing a company’s web properties in order to increase the likelihood of capturing leads, conversions or customers.

Conversion Rate Optimization Tips

6. Use graphical calls to action (CTAs)

7. Experiment with CTA placement – side panel, top, bottom, etc.

8. Use textual CTAs (links) in body copy

9. Use A/B or multivariate testing for CTAs and landing pages

Don’t let CRO and SMO take a back seat to SEO. Content marketers should have them all up front because together they can enhance an overall inbound marketing deployment.

Chad Pollitt

Director of Marketing at Slingshot SEO, Chad is a decorated veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, a former Army National Guard Commander and the Director of Marketing at Slingshot SEO. He authored “The Content Marketing Manifesto” in 2012. His other writings and articles have been published in dozens of newspapers, magazines and websites throughout the world.