by Slingshot Bloggers

Below are just a few words of wisdom. Some SEO battles will be too tough to fight, the competition will be so stiff you just can’t compete. Other battles will take a long time; months, even years before you rise to the top. Your best bet is to choose long-tail (multi-worded) keywords that have little or no competition for fast results. You can rise to the top within days, even hours. The sweet thing is this: long-tail keywords are often the most lucrative and bring in the most sales. For in the final analysis, you just don’t want SEO, you want smart SEO. And you will quickly learn, most times you can often out-smart your competition, even if you can’t out-rank them.

  • Download SEO Quake and place this free SEO toolbar plug-in on your Firefox, IE or Chrome browser.
  • Go to Google and type in the keyword or keyword phrase you’re targeting with your site or content.
  • Click on the number one ranking and observe how many pages it has indexed, PageRank, how many backlinks it has, age of the site… and so on.
  • Then click the page info button and study all the on-page factors this site has and notice what it’s doing with its page and keyword density layout.
  • Check all the backlinks this site has in the different search engines. Copy or try to get the same backlinks for your site that your competitor has acquired. Then get more backlinks and/or higher quality backlinks than your competitor.


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