November 21st, 2012

by Tracy Morgan

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and it presents a great opportunity to give back to your employees. Whether your organization is small or large, there are a few easy ways to say “thank you” to each employee while staying on a budget.

Here are a few ways to say “thank you” to employees.

  1. Handwritten thank you notes – Blank thank you cards can be purchased in bulk and, if you divide the work of writing and distributing them, it’s very reasonable task regardless of your organization’s size. Start by giving each manager enough blank thank you cards for each employee that they supervise. Make sure you give managers about a week to get all cards written and personalized for their employees.
    • Bonus Tip: The trick to company-wide, handwritten thank you notes is to make sure that no one’s forgotten and all the cards are delivered on the same day. Having managers turn in all completed cards to one person who can monitor missing cards can ensure a smooth launch.
  1. Cater-in /carry-in – If your organization is large, a carry-in by employees may be difficult because all the “good stuff” goes too quickly or food runs out. However, if you cater-in the main and side dishes and ask employees to bring in drinks and desserts, you can get employee participation and still be able to feed everyone easily. Smaller businesses can host an employee carry-in while perhaps providing just the main dish. Employee carry-ins are great way to get employees involved and stay in budget for smaller employers. Plus, who doesn’t like swapping recipes with employees for delicious dishes?
    • Bonus Tip: Have a cook-off competition or bake-off for the best dish and/or dessert and allow employees to vote. Winners can get a gift card and bragging rights.
  1. Turkey Gift Checks – Butterball gift checks are an easy and great way to give employees a turkey for their personal holiday gatherings. Employers can customize the checks with a logo and the amounts to fit the budget and make it branded.

Even though the holidays may seem to fly by and get crazy, remember to take a moment and show gratitude to the people who impact your company’s success: your employees.

Human Resources Generalist at Slingshot SEO Tracy Morgan is Human Resources Generalist at Slingshot SEO.

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